Here’s to hoping your 2016 is starting off to be a great one. One of the best things about being near water, especially Lake Erie, is the Four Seasons. Furthermore, the calmness in the waves, the whispers of the gale, the constantly changing water, sun and moon and the presence of earth, air and fire all featured in one fantastic spot.
We are excited to bring some new photography and merchandise to you this year. While we work to get some of these other things into fruition, we will be updating the blog and photography on a very regular basis and invite to check back here often to see what is new on Lake Erie in North East, PA.
We hope it is as much fun for you to navigate the site as it is for us to update it. Here’s to a New 2016! A clean slate, a new balance, a new state of mind and a new opportunity to cleanse and balance chakras.
Message us with any feedback you may have! Also, like us on facebook!